About the Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association

About the Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association

President’s Message

President’s Message

Welcome to the Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association website, I’m Simon Joel, the current serving President.

By way of a brief background, the VFFA was founded in 1932 and currently we have some 200 active members all of whom enjoy fly fishing and a range of related social activities organised for, and by, our members.

Some members, like me, have been fly fishing since childhood, others are novices who were introduced to the sport in recent years, and some are experts in the sport; collectively they hold an immense wealth of knowledge about all-things-fly-fishing.

We come from all walks of life and enjoy each other’s company at events like casting days, fishing trips, social gatherings, and our regular meetings. We mostly meet in Melbourne’s CBD at the Kelvin Club for social dinners at which guest speakers talk about topics related to fly fishing both here in Australia, and overseas.

In addition to our social and upskilling events, members also receive a monthly newsletter Fly Lines which is a valuable resource detailing flyfishing tips and tricks, along with the latest news on fishing expeditions and events; it’s also where we advertise our members-only activities.

Our Association’s formal purposes are to:

  • Promote social fly fishing.
  • Promote the philosophy and traditions, the ethics and public image, and the art of fly fishing throughout the state.
  • Protect and propagate trout.
  • Conserve fisheries and enhance trout habitat.
  • Encourage, promote, and engage in activities which may improve or relate to fly fishing.
  • Collect and conserve books, publications and memorabilia related to fly fishing for members to access.
  • Co-operate with anybody or person to further the VFFA’s purpose.

So, if your interest is piqued give me a call and come along to our next dinner as my guest, I can promise that you’ll meet a friendly lot who will quickly make you welcome. My contact details are – president@VFFA.com.au or 0419 368 391.

Tight lines

Simon Joel
VFFA President (and mad-fisherman)

Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association Board

Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association Inc.

Simon Joel
VFFA President

John Spragg
VFFA Senior Vice President

Rod Hirst
VFFA Junior Vice President

Glen Oliver
Honorary Treasurer

Bill Jeans
Honorary Librarian

Lyndon Webb
Honorary Editor

Kevin Finn
Honorary Secretary

Other Council Members
David Hooke, Beth Hourigan,
Scott Raggatt, Bernard Chu,
John Wieladek

Become a VFFA member

Become a VFFA member

Ready to join a dynamic community of like-minded individuals? Join us as we come together to share experiences, support each other, and make a positive impact on the sport of fly fishing.